In accordance with the Federation Bylaws, the Board consists of both elected and appointed Officers each serving a one year term.
The twelve officers elected and installed during the Spring Federation Business Meetings are: Federation President (who is the immediate past President Elect), Vice President at Large (who is the Immediate Past Federation President), President-Elect, seven Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers appointed by the incoming Federation President are: parliamentarian, chief of staff, electronic information, ecommerce, parent socials, Aggie mom camp, hospitality, historian, and development.
All officers serve a one year term from one Spring Federation Business Meeting to the next, except the Treasurer, whose term ends at the end of the Federation’s fiscal year, May 31st.
Roxanne Forrest – President
Home club: Medina County
Roxanne now serves as the President, this is her fifth year on the board after serving as President Elect 2023-2024, 5th VP Boutique 2022-2023, Treasurer 2021-2022 and Historian 2019-2020. In addition to her role in the Federation, she is also a member of the Medina County Aggie Moms’ Club where she served as President for 4 years and now serves as the Vice President at Large.
She resides in Castroville, Texas, with her husband Steve and is a proud mom of 3 sons; 2 of which are Aggies. Her son Wyatt ’21 is a first-generation Aggie and graduated from Mays Business School with a degree in Supply Chain Management. He introduced mom and dad to College Station and the traditions of being an Aggie. Mason ’23 was right behind him graduating with a degree in Agricultural Economics. She is also a doting grandmother of 2 amazing grandsons and a granddaughter that should be part of the Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2046!.
Roxanne is very active in her community and sits on many boards, such as the Medina Valley Education Foundation-President, Medina County A&M Golf Committee, San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). When her sons were in school, she served as President or Treasurer of many booster clubs, such as FFA Booster, Stock Show Booster and Prom Committee. She has also been the Treasurer for her church for the past 15+ years. She has a passion for supporting her community, raising money for scholarships and assists with and organizes many fundraising events every year. Roxanne is a Taxidermist and has owned her own Taxidermy business in Helotes, Texas for 20 years. She also helps run her husband’s electrical business and keeps books part time for a local construction company. In her spare time, when she can find some, she likes to quilt, spend time with her boys and visit Aggieland as much as possible.
Johnna Lenamon – Vice President At Large
Home Club: Pearland Friendswood
Johnna Lenamon is the VP at Large for The Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs. She previously served as the President in 2023- 2024. Other positions held were President Elect, 2 nd VP of Programs, 1 st VP of Membership and Parent Socials Galveston. This is her 6th and final year on the Board. Johnna also served as the President of the Pearland Friendswood Aggie Moms’ Club and continues to be an active member.
Johnna is a ’92 graduate of University of Houston earning a BS in Healthcare. Johnna is the proud mom of her Aggie, Morgan ’20 who graduated with a BS in Economics and completed his Masters in Finance from May’s School of Business in ’21. Johnna lost her beautiful daughter, Jordon, in 2020 and has dedicated her life to Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness through her The Jordon Lenamon Foundation.
Johnna is the Vice President of Network Development at Kelsey-Seybold Medical Group, LLC in Houston. Johnna also serves as the President of The Jordon Lenamon Foundation. She currently resides in Pearland with her husband, Martin, who is retired from ExxonMobil.
Nancy Skokan – President Elect
Home Club: El Paso
Nancy Skokan serves as the President Elect this year and has been on the board for 4 years. Previously she served on the Nominating Committee in 2020, Digital Marketing Chair in 2021- 22, 6 th VP Districts in 2022-23 and 1st VP Membership 2023-24. Nancy helped create the Aggie Mom App. The App has been instrumental in growing our membership and reaching moms at their fingertips (literally on their phones). Download “Aggie Moms of TAMU” from your App store! She enjoys helping clubs to simplify their processes. Work smarter, not harder!
Nancy is a Past-President of the El Paso Aggie Mothers Club, which is a position she has held for the 2+years and has served as the Treasurer, Historian and the “fun planner.”
Nancy is self-employed as a Realtor®, licensed in Texas and New Mexico. She has spent her entire adult life in the real estate industry. She began her career at the age of 22 in the title business that moved her from Houston to El Paso, and her love for the West Texas town began. It was there that she met her husband, Thomas; married and began a family. She owned a mortgage brokerage company for many years before deciding to get her real estate license and began sales full time in 2014. She loves helping families in all aspects of real estate.
Nancy and Tom have two sons. Matthew ‘22, graduated with a degree in Material Science Engineering and works at Los Alamos National Lab. He is getting married December 14, 2024, and they’ll welcome Isabela (also an Aggie) into their family. Nancy and Tom’s oldest son, Christopher, lives in Fredericksburg. He graduated from Angelo State in 2018 with a BS-Animal Science and Wildlife Management-Minor. Nancy comes from a family of many Aggies, although she attended Sam Houston State, just up the road. She says, “I wasn’t a student here, but I got here as soon as I could as a MOM!” And the Aggie family welcomed her in! Her great-great…grandfather Colonel A.J. Rose was the President of the Board of Regents for Texas A &M from 1892-1896! There’s old maroon blood in her family!
Nancy loves to play golf, all things baseball, travel and to plan activities and host events! She’s an avid Houston Astros fan! She stays busy on adventures with her family always on her busy calendar. Nancy is excited about her new position this year and is looking forward to helping Roxanne as the Federation Invests in Aggies!
Lezlie Wiederhold – 1st Vice President Membership
Home club: Navarro
Lezlie Wiederhold is the Math Interventionist for Bel Air Elementary in Athens, TX. Lezlie has been in the education field for 22 years and has made the success of children her mission. Lezlie became an educator after earning her degree in Political Science and United States History from Texas State University. Lezlie holds elementary through high school certifications with certification in gift and talented programs.
Lezlie has been happily married to Kevin Wiederhold for 25 years. Kevin is a Branch Manager in DMOS 5 at Texas Instruments. They own and run The W Ranch in Kerens, TX. Their daughter, Paige ‘25, is a senior majoring in Psychology with a focus on Industrial and Organizational fields. She is also seeking a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Paige hopes to help with mental health issues within the workplace.
Lezlie will serve as the 1st VP of Membership this year. This will be Lezlie’s second year on the board of The Federation of the Texas A&M University Mothers’ Club. She was the 3rd VP of Registration during the 2023-2024 year. Lezlie has also served in her local chapter as the Navarro County President for the past three years.
Lezlie’s passion is her family. She is the happiest when she is in a pasture hunting with her husband or hanging out with her baby girl. They are her heart and soul. And you can always find her at every home football game in Kyle Field! Go Ags!
Shelle Blaylock – 2nd Vice President Programs
Home Club: Ellis County
Shelle Blaylock is the Chief Academic Officer for Midlothian ISD. She is an educator at heart having been in the field for 28 years and strives to provide a world class education for every child and to support families as they go through their child’s educational journey. Shelle began her journey in education at Texas A&M University earning a Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on elementary reading. She earned a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership in 2013 from Texas A&M Commerce and holds her superintendent’s certification.
Shelle has been happily married to Britt Blaylock ‘95 for 27 years. Britt is co-owner of Targus Associates, an Aggie-owned environmental consulting firm. Her son, Blaize ‘24, is a senior at Texas A&M pursuing a degree in agriculture leadership with a minor in sports management. He will graduate in August 2024. Their youngest son, Briscoe ‘27, is a sophomore at Texas A&M studying animal science with plans to work with animals in his future career. It has been so much fun seeing her boys become proud Aggies! Whoop!
Shelle will serve in an elected position for the Federation as the 2nd VP of Programs this year. Shelle served as the Hospitality Chair for Federation of Texas A&M Mother’s Clubs in 2023-24. She is also the president of the Ellis County Aggie Moms’ Club which is a role she has held since May 2023. It has been her dream to be an Aggie Mom since she attended Aggie Moms’ Boutique as a student.
Shelle’s passions include traveling, reading, cooking and spoiling her two labradoodles, Maggie and Sarge. She is honored to lead alongside all Aggie Moms and looks forward to making many new Aggie friendships.
Shannon Self ’22 – 3rd Vice President Registration
Home Club: Louisiana
Shannon currently serves as 3rd Vice President Registration for the Federation of Texas A&M Mothers’ Clubs. She is also serving her fourth term as Treasurer for the Louisiana Texas A&M Mothers’ Club. Shannon received a B.S. degree from Louisiana Tech University and Doctor of Medicine from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in 1994. She graduated from Texas A&M School of Law with a Master of Legal Studies in Health Law, Policy, and Management in 2022. She is a practicing Emergency Medicine Physician.
She and her husband, Chuck, have two Aggies, Emily ‘;23 and Haley ’26. Emily graduated with a B.S. in Biomedical Science and Haley is currently pursuing the same degree. Emily is employed with Patriot Paws, a non-profit organization that trains service dogs for veterans with physical and emotional disabilities. Haley plans to attend
dental school upon graduation.
In her spare time, Shannon loves to travel, spend time outdoors, attend Aggie football and baseball games, and volunteer her time with multiple organizations. Her favorite charity is St. Jude and her hometown, Minden, Louisiana, raises more money per capita annually for St. Jude than any other town in the United States ($2.6million in 2024).
She loves being a part of the Aggie Mom organization and especially enjoys the friendships. Her favorite student activity is distributing goodie bags and watching students come back semester after semester and seeing them mature into wonderful Aggie adults. She is excited for another successful year for Aggie Moms and students!
Willa Zandi – 4th Vice President Reports
Home Club: Coppell
Willa Bess Zandi is serving as the 4th VP of Reports this year and is excited to serve this board and our Aggies. Willa Bess served on the board in 2022-2023 as Electronic Information chair, and previously served the board on the audit committee. Willa has served her local Coppell club as Treasurer, Membership Chair, Ring of Honor, and Fundraising chair. As she has recently moved to Nevada, TX she will be embarking on new adventures with the Collin County chapter as VP of Projects in 2024-2025.
Willa’s son Lawson, Class of ‘21 graduated with an Economics degree and is living in the DFW area and connecting regularly with great friends made while at Texas A&M.
Willa is the Director of IT Operations at Smile Doctors, and is also a certified Makeup Artist and owns Wow! Great Lips!. She delights in helping women feel great about themselves and helping every woman find her 5 minute look.
In her spare time she loves all sports, but especially baseball, and you can find her many evenings relaxing on the porch of her tiny home watching the Texas Rangers.
Whitney Isbell – 5th Vice President Boutique
Home Club: Northeast Tarrant County
Whitney Isbell serves as the 5th VP of Boutique this year and is excited to serve her first year on the Federation Board.
Whitney owns her own company creating Christmas holiday decorations. She has four children. Delaney graduated with a PhD from UNT Health Science Center, Cooper graduated with a degree in Finance from Oklahoma State University, Parker who is dancing in heaven and Brooke ‘26 who is a proud Plant & Soil Science and Horticulture double degree with Texas A&M.
Whitney is currently serving as President-Elect of the Northeast Tarrant County Aggie Mothers Club, and has served as the Treasurer for the last 2 years.
She resides in Watauga and you can find her watching college football throughout the season and counting down during the off season until the Aggies and Gators take the field again.
Linda Cristan-Rodriguez- 6th Vice President Districts
Home Club: Austin
enthusiastic approach and a dedication to service and is excited to meet and grow in sisterhood throughout her year as VP of Districts for the Federation.
continue to grow the Aggie Mom Spirit and Momraderie!
Patty Rabel – 7th Vice President Directory
Home Club – Brazos County
Patty Rabel ’80 serves as 7th VP Directory of the Federation of Texas A&M Mothers’ Clubs. Patty received a B.S. in Educational Curriculum and Instruction in 1980 with minors in English and Psychology from Texas A&M University. Husband, Ditz, ’79 graduated from the Mays Business School with a BBA in Finance and the SMU Southwestern Graduate School of Banking. Patty and Ditz have been married for 32 years.
Before moving back to Aggieland to work for the Texas A&M Foundation at the School of Nursing, Patty previously served the Northwest Harris County A&M Mother’s Club as President, President-Elect, Past President, Program Chair, Publicity Chair, Silent Auction Chair, and Parliamentarian. She actively serves on the Association of Former Students Leadership Council as a Representative at Large and is a former Class Agent for the Class of 1980.
Daughter, Jenna Rabel Friedrich ’16 graduated from Texas A&M with a BS in Agricultural Communications and Journalism, while her husband John Friedrich ’16 graduated with a BS in Agricultural Economics and works for Amherst Holdings as their Senior Accountant. Son, Chase Rabel ’19 graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Construction Science and works for JSS as Associate Project Manager while wife Courtney ’19 works for AFAR. All live and work in the Austin area. Jenna and John recently welcomed their first child and our first grandson in March ’22. Our fingers are crossed that he’ll follow the Aggie family tradition in 2045!
Patty is looking forward to a great year of “Momraderie”!
Kathleen Hull – Recording Secretary
Home Club – Denver
Kathleen Hull is a sales professional for Donut Day Designs, a promotional goods company located in her home state of Colorado. When she’s not working in the promotional business, she is working on her own business Flippin’ Glitter – a small artisan company creating memories from forgotten items and her family’s property management company, Irish Aggie LLC.
Kathleen is also extremely active in multiple volunteer activities. She works with two dog rescues, one in Colorado and one in College Station. Her family has fostered over 300 dogs in the last 10 years. She’s also active in her local church and helping some seniors in the community. Her newest volunteer endeavor is working with the TAMU student services office to provide support (starting with goody bags) to the population of Aggies that have aged out of the foster care program.
Kathleen received her Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management from Metro Stat in Denver. She met her husband in their native New York and married him a few years after her move to Colorado. They have one son, Brendan ’21, still living and working in College Station remotely as an Operations Manager for Donut Day. Kathleen thanks him for connecting her with the company for her latest endeavor.
Kathleen has been very active in her local club starting in 2017, spearheading collaboration between the former students club in Denver and the Aggie Moms to attend local Aggie events and host an annual team dinner for the TAMU Men’s Hockey Team.
Kathleen is thrilled to join the Federation Board to help with all the amazing work they do for our Aggie family!
Alma Tovias ’89 – Treasurer
Home Club: Pasadena Area
Alma Tovias ’89 is serving as Treasurer of the Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs. Last year she served as 4th VP Reports and previously as 3rd VP Registration. Prior to joining the Federation Board, she served in the Audit and Nominating Committees. She is also very active with her home club, Pasadena Area, where she previously held the offices of President, VP at Large, and VP of Programs.
Alma received her Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University. She is a Senior Project Engineer with over 30 years of experience in design, fabrication, test, launch, and on-orbit operations of space hardware primarily supporting International Space Station Program. She currently supports the Space Launch System Program taking humans back to the moon.
Alma has been blessed with three daughters. Clarissa received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 2018 from Texas A&M as well as a B.A. in Applied Mathematics from the University of St. Thomas. Lucy graduated from Texas A&M with a B.S. in Industrial Distribution and a minor in Business in 2020. Aimee, her youngest, is attending a local college and working towards a career in the medical field.
Alma’s passion to serve stems from the gratitude to her Alma Mater, TAMU. As a recipient of the President’s Achievement Award Scholarship she knows firsthand what Investing in Aggies is all about. She loves Aggie Moms and is excited to see the immeasurable positive impacts Aggie Moms bring.
Michelle Calvillo- Chief of Staff
Home Club: Medina County
Michelle Calvillo serves as Chief of Staff for the Federation Board and is currently serving as President for the 2nd year in her home club.
As a proud Veteran, Michelle is a 3rd generation Marine. Along her side is her Army Veteran husband Adrian, who she has been happily married to for 22 years. They are proud parents to Angel (4th generation Marine Veteran), Adrianna class of ‘26 who is currently majoring in Environmental Engineering here at TAMU and youngest son Adrian Jr. who graduates high school this spring and will be attending the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) in the fall. In June they will welcome their 6th grandchild.
Michelle has a comprehensive background in Banking and is currently a group manager overseeing Quality Assurance for Kohls’. You will find that Michelle is passionate about developing others both professionally and personally. She also served in the Kohls’ Veterans’ group as the Volunteer Chair and was responsible for volunteer efforts across the nation with Kohls’ store associates. She strives to make a difference in all that she does and is excited to serve in her new role.
Tara Boyle is serving as Parliamentarian this year, marking her first time on the Federation Board. She has also been an active Ambassador for the past three years. From 2020 to 2023, Tara served a three-year term as President of her local Ellis County club. She is currently the VP at Large and Ring of Honor Co-Chair.
Tara’s son, Blake, graduated in May 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology. He still lives in College Station, volunteering at a conservation lab, and is planning to apply for a PhD program at Texas A&M University.
With a 30-year career in the banking industry, Tara is currently a Program Manager at Wells Fargo, overseeing large technology programs. She hopes to retire within the next two years.
In her spare time, Tara enjoys traveling and spending time with friends and family. She especially cherishes the lifelong friendships she has formed through her involvement with the local Aggie Mom’s Club.
Stacy Taylor – Aggie Mom Camp 2025 & Development Chair &
Home Club: Montgomery County
She is a ’94 graduate of Cal Poly Pomona earning a BS in Communications; and ’98 graduate from the University of Redlands, with an MBA. Stacy is the proud mom of her Aggie, Regan Adams ‘25 majoring in Visualization, with a minor in Studio Arts. Regan is a producer for KAMU-TV on campus and can be seen at many Texas A&M activities such as midnight yell, with a production camera in her hand.
Stacy has been employed with ADP, Inc. for the past 29 years, where she is an Executive Relationship Manager, building strategic partnerships with her clients. Stacy and her husband Rick, moved in 2021 from California to the Lake Conroe Texas area. While in California, Stacy and her husband were business owners of an Event production company for over a decade.
Stacy enjoys volunteering her time and is excited for the 2024-2025 year to be able to continue to serve the students and Texas A&M University. In her free time, she enjoys snow skiing, being on the lake, hiking, and Aggie Football!
Jan Tschirhart – Hospitality
Home Club: Medina County
Jan Tschirhart is serving on the Board for the first time in the capacity as Hospitality Chair for The Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs. She has served on the Board of Medina County Aggie Moms as Communications Chair. She is very active in the club in their various fundraising activities and also obtaining speakers for their meetings. She has also volunteered at the Federations Tailgates.
Jan is a ’96 graduate of the University of Texas San Antonio where she earned a Bachelor of Business Administration-Accounting. She has been employed for over 20 years as a Paralegal in her husband’s law office.
Jan is most proud of her children, Sara ’08, Faith, Christine ’23, Allie ’24, and William ’25. And also of starting what will hopefully be a new tradition of working the day of the Big Give to give back to her local community. This year she started by cleaning the grave of Sterling Evans, which we had recently learned that he was buried in the local Medina County community of Castroville, along with the Social Chair, Laurie De La Fuente.
Jan loves to attend all things Aggie related, traveling to College Station as often as she can. She also loves traveling anywhere else, especially with her children. When not at work, traveling to College Station or anywhere else, she likes to volunteer her time for other organizations.
Jan is extremely excited about serving on Federation Board this year.
Michelle Leggett ’95 – Electronic Information
Home Club: Pearland-Friendswood
Michelle Leggett is currently serving as the Electronic Information Chair for the Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs. This is her first time serving on the Federation Board. Michelle has served on the Pearland Friendswood Aggie Moms’ Club since 2022 and is currently serving as the Treasurer, after finishing up her two years as its Recording Secretary (’22-’24).
Michelle Clark Leggett ’95 graduated from Texas A&M University with a BA double major in Communications and Political Science, She has her M.S in Instructional Technology from UH-Clear Lake. Michelle has been married to her high school sweetheart, Jay Leggett, for 28 years. Jay is an aerospace engineer at NASA Johnson Space Center. Michelle and Jay are the proud parents of two sons, Curtis and John. Curtis is currently a Finance major at Texas A&M with TRIP at Mays Business School, and John is headed into his senior year playing baseball for Pearland High School.
Michelle has worked in various capacities in education since graduating from Texas A&M University. She has been a classroom teacher and debate coach, a supervisor for NASA’s Digital Learning Network and Public Affairs Office, and was the Technology Coordinator in Dickinson ISD before taking a Educational Technology position in Pearland ISD to be closer to home. She is currently the Digital Media/Clever Administrator for the Pearland ISD Curriculum & Instruction department for the past eight years.
Michelle enjoys reading, traveling, spending time with friends, and going on adventures with Jay and her family. The Leggett family has lived in Pearland for 25 years.
Stacey Ankele – Social Media
Home club: Austin
Stacey is serving as our social media chair this year. She and her husband Ken ‘88 have been married 28 years and are the proud parents of three sons, Matthew ’22, Kyle and Jacob.
Stacey graduated from Clemson in ’92 with a BS in Accounting. She loved being a stay home mom when the boys were growing up. Several years ago, she started a bookkeeping business and supports a variety of small businesses. Stacey enjoys scrapbooking and traveling with friends and family.
This is her first year on the Federation board, after serving for four years on her local Austin Aggie Mothers’ Club board as Secretary, Treasurer and President. She is currently VP at Large for the Austin club and looks forward to connecting Aggie Moms for Federation!
Karyn Ard – Parent Socials College Station
Home Club: Tyler
Karyn Ard currently is serving her third year as the Parent Socials Chair for College Station for the Federation of Texas A&M Mothers’ Clubs. Karyn Received her Bachelor of Science in Education degree from Henderson State University in 1995. Her husband, Jones, of thirty years, received his Bachelor of Science in Education degree from Henderson State University in 1994, and his Masters degree in 1995. Their oldest son Jones Ryan (‘22) is a first generation Aggie and introduced them into the Aggie family. He loved Aggieland so much he stayed for his Master’s degree in Biological and Agricultural Engineering (‘23). Jones Ryan and his wife live in San Antonio where he is an engineer and she is in dental school. Karyn and Jones’ youngest son Connor is their next Aggie engineer and has just finished his first year.
Karyn is currently in her twenty-ninth year of teaching high school science. She currently teaches biology and forensic science. She has been the recipient of the Elysian Fields High School teacher of the year award in 2006. She has also been the Troup High School teacher of the year in 2012 and 2018. In 2018 she was also named as Troup ISD’s teacher of the year, the Region VII teacher of the year, and one of three finalists for the 2019 Secondary Teacher of the Year for the State of Texas. Karyn enjoys mentoring her students and pushing them to find their passions.
Karyn has been a member of her local Tyler Aggie moms club since 2018. She has served on the board several times. She has served as the Corresponding Secretary, served two terms as VP of Membership, and will serve her second term as VP of Projects this upcoming year. She has enjoyed working to grow her local club and share the sisterhood of Aggie moms with others. Karyn is excited to serve on the Federation Board again this year. She is humbled by this opportunity and anxious to get to work to serve the University and our Aggies this year.
Julie Whitworth- Parent Socials Galveston
Home club: Galveston County and Austin
Julie Whitworth is currently serving as the Parent Social Chair for Galveston Campus for the Texas A&M University Mothers’ Club. She has served on the Board of Galveston County Aggie Moms’ since 2019 and presently is the Ring of Honor Chair/Social coordinator for GCAM members in the Austin and San Antonio areas. In 2022, she moved to Austin and joined the Austin Aggie Moms’ Club.
Julie was a Prep Cadet on the Summer at Sea program with Texas A&M University Galveston (TAMUG) in 1988. She attended Texas A&M her freshman year then completed her B.A. and M.A in Speech and Language Pathology at University of North Texas. Julie retrained to become a Lactation Consultant in 2015. She presently works part time as a private IBCLC/Lactation Consultant and volunteers in the community as a Breastfeeding Counselor for Breastfeeding USA.
Julie met her husband, Jonathan (‘89) while on the Summer program at TAMUG and they have been married for 31 years. Julie has an Aggie son, Aden (‘89 Mechanical Engineering) and a Horned Frog daughter Tess (‘22 Nursing). Julie and Jonathan split their time between Galveston and Austin.
Julie loves to help breastfeeding families, volunteer, read, cook, travel and spend time with family and friends. She has loved the friendships that have come from working on the Board of Galveston County Aggie Moms’ and being a Federation of Aggie Mothers’ Club Ambassador since it was established!
Katherine Ortiz ’25 – Parent Socials McAllen
Home Club: Rio Grande Valley
Katherine currently serves as the Parent Socials representative for Texas A&M University Higher Education Center at McAllen. Katherine served 3 years as an Ambassador for The Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs prior to her current position and serves her
local RGV Aggie Moms Chapter as a volunteer.
Katherine is a Senior Property Tax Consultant at Ryan LLC with 15 years of experience in property tax. She is currently pursuing a MLS in Business Law and Compliance at Texas A&M School of Law and completed a BBA in Finance from The University of Texas Pan American.
Katherine and her husband Vince reside in the Rio Grande Valley. Vince works in pest control and makes sure he is the only “pest” she worries about, bugs beware! They are the proud parents of three beautiful adults. Vincent-J aka “Hyphen” is a performing artist/ songwriter/ producer in San Antonio. Adrian, Aggie Class of ’21, graduated with a BS in Civil Engineering and currently works as a Level 2 Engineer at HMT Engineering in New Braunfels. Cortney, Aggie Class of ’23, graduated with a BS in Biomedical Engineering, worked at Hanger Clinic in Bryan and is pursuing a Masters in Prosthetics and Orthotics at UT-Southwestern in Dallas.
Katherine enjoys spending time with her family and the arts. You can also find her relaxing in the RV, fishing with her husband and enjoying their empty nest. As a new member on the Federation board, she is looking forward to sharing her experiences with potential new members and being a resource to help grow this amazing organization.
Dawn Looney – Parent Socials Tailgates
Home Club: Hopkins County Area
Dana Tuggle – Student Outreach
Home club: Pearland Friendswood
Dana Tuggle currently serves as the Aggie Student Outreach Chair for the Federation Board. This is her second year serving on the board, last year being the Aggie Mom Camp Chair. She is excited for this new position and to continue the partnership with the University’s CAPS program and the
Mental Health Focus initiatives that Aggie students with the mental struggles of being in college. She has served on the Pearland/Friendswood Aggie Moms Club Board as Student Services
Committee Chair for two years and is currently serving as the VP of Membership.
Dana is married to Kenneth, who even though is a Houston Cougar, has become an honorary Aggie and is a member of the Aggie Dads. They reside in Friendswood, Texas and are proud parents of Jenna ’25, an International Affairs major. Dana has two bonus children and two grandchildren. Britany, a graduate of Texas State ’07, is a junior high math teacher who is married to Steve a junior high history teacher, and they have two beautiful sons, Carter, and Rory. Jordan Tuggle, graduate of U of
H ’11, is in the United States Marine Corps and stationed in Washington, D.C. with his wife Sofia, graduate, University of Miami ’11.
Dana attended Texas A&;M University from 1982-1984 and finished her studies at MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois. She has worked in the real estate industry since 1995 and just retired last year from RE/MAX, LLC as the Vice President for the Central Region after 22 years.
Dana is dedicated to her church, her family, her friends, and Texas A&M. She is a season ticket holder for A&M Football and is also an avid Dallas Cowboys fan. One of the biggest rewards for her has been coordinating the Aggie Mom Hugs and Puppy Kisses during finals week, which has grown over the six semesters to include five locations over four days with parents and puppies from around the state supporting our Aggies during finals which can be their most stressful time.
Kim Kovar Parent Socials Ring of Honor
Home Club: Tri-County
Howdy! My name is Kim Kovar- I am serving as the 2023-2024 Parent Socials-Ring of Honor-Federation of Texas A&M Aggie Mothers Clubs. I am a member of District 4, Tri-County Aggie Moms. Fun fact- I have been attending Aggie Mom Camp since 2009! Having the privilege to be a member of this organization has made many friendships throughout the years.
My husband Randy an I are proud parents of our Daughter Robyn class of 2011 and her husband Travis Class of 2009, and class of 2013. Our son Ross class of 2012. Robyn and Travis have blessed us with 4 beautiful future Aggie’s. Ross accepted a job in College Station immediately after graduation- so we are fortunate to spend time in this wonderful city.
Being a part of Aggie Mom’s is such a rewarding experience- and being the Parent Socials Chair for Ring of Honor is very exciting! I look forward to a wonderful year!
Karyn Friesen ’92 – Aggie Moms Care
Home Club: Northwest Harris County
Karyn is the Aggie Moms Care contact and is here to help with any needs that arise with any Aggie, Aggie relative, or an Aggie Club that calls for help.
Karyn attended Texas A & M for graduate school and not only received an excellent education, Class of 1992 Whoop!, but more importantly I met my husband Clark, Aggie ’93. They met on the first day of his graduate program and it has been true love ever since. They have two daughters that also attended A & M. Kathryn ’21 is in computer game design with a degree in Visualization. Kylie ’22 (class of ’22 but graduated in ’24) also graduated with a degree in Visualization and is looking for a career in animation. Our household bleeds maroon!
Karyn has been a member of Aggie moms since 2017. She has served as chaplain, president-elect, president, and traditions chair for Northwest Harris County Aggie Moms. She is still active as the Traditions chair, helping to make items each year for Boutique to support our scholarships. Karyn is excited to now be a Ring of Honor Mom since my daughters have graduated.
Karyn is a Professor of Communication Studies at Lonestar College in North Houston.
Laurie De La Fuente – Historian
Home Club: Medina County
Laurie is currently serving on the Federation of Aggie Moms’ Club board for the first time as Historian. She has proudly served on the Medina County, TX board as secretary for the past 3 years. She resides in Castroville, Texas with her husband Jerry. They are the proud parents of Devin, a 2023 graduate of the College of Education and Human Development and a 4 th grade math and science teacher and Emily, class of 2026, a Horticulture Science, Plant and Environmental Soil Science major. Both daughters are First Generation Aggies. Laurie attended the University of the Incarnate Word and has worked at St. Louis Catholic Church for many years.
Laurie has served in many volunteer positions in her community outside of Aggie Mom’s including Sports Boosters, PTC, Proms, Alsatian Festival of Texas and many church related functions.
In her free time she enjoys gardening and harvesting seeds and plants to share with friends, cooking/baking, sitting on her porch rocker especially when it rains and going to Aggie sporting events with her family and friends. In the summer Laurie splits her time between Castroville and Rockport fishing the Texas coast with her family.
Aggie Dads