Federation Form D

Form D is a report of Member Club projects, activities, events and donations for the year.

Federation Form D offers each Aggie Moms’ Club an opportunity to share all the successes of their club year.  It’s time for Aggie Br”Ags”!!  Tell us about memorable meetings, programs, parties, tailgates or other special events from your club’s year.  Let everyone know about your fund raising efforts and the resulting funding of donations to TAMU Student Organizations and Scholarships for deserving Aggies.

All Member Clubs’ Form Ds are compiled by the Fourth Vice President Reports and become the Federation’s Annual Report of Clubs.

The deadline for emailing Form D to the Fourth Vice President Reports is May 31st each year.

FORMS – Submit electronically!

* Recommended browser for best results: Google Chrome *

Submit  Form D Coming Soon for 2024!

Questions?  Contact the Fourth Vice President Reports.