Form B is to be returned with each Member Club’s payment of Federation dues and archive fees and a membership list.
Federation Form B is used to calculate and record each Member Club’s dues and archive fees for the year. Complete Form B, make check for payment of dues and archive fee payable to the “Federation of TAMU Mothers’ Clubs”, and mail both to the Federation Treasurer. Remember to make a copy of Form B for your club’s records.
The deadline for filing Form B and paying Federation dues is February 1st each year. All dues must be postmarked no later than February 1st. Federation Dues not paid by May 31st will result in the Club being considered inactive.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When submitting your Form B this year, also email a list of your members using template provided below. complete it and email it to 1stvpmembership@aggienetwork.
View and Print FORM B
Download Aggie Mom Club Membership Template
Please download the template and save it to your computer as ClubName_AggieMomClubMembers.
For questions on Form B, contact the Federation Treasurer.
For questions on the membership list, contact 1stVP Membership.