Donations for Student Assistance Services

Gift cards:
We use them to re-stock the pantry   Walmart  HEB  Kroger

 Any microwaveable meals that aren’t frozen or refrigerated, including soups   Pasta and Pasta Sauce
 Peanut butter and Jelly   Canned vegetables/Beans   Granola bars   Crackers and peanut butter
 Trail mixes   Dried fruits   Beef jerky   Applesauce/Fruit cups   Individual cereal boxes
 Pop tarts   Instant oatmeal packs   Ready to serve or individual servings of rice/pasta to use with cans of soup
 Mac & Cheese

Toiletry items:
 Shampoo & Conditioner   Razors   Deodorant   Toothbrush; Toothpaste   Comb   Bar of soap
 Tissues   Pads and tampons   First aid items   Toilet paper; paper towels   Socks    Lotion