Aggie Mom University

All club leaders, future leaders, and members are encouraged to watch the  Aggie Mom University Zoom classes. 

They are fun, informative,  AND you can remain in your yoga pants! 

Please note that our email addresses are now and no longer as may be noted in the training information.


Class Description Links to view in library Who Should Attend
2024 Winter Meeting  Tune in and get Bylaw updates ! Aggie Moms/ Club Officers

2024 Spring Business Meeting 4/12/2024

Tune in and catch up!
2024 Spring General Meeting   Tune in and catch up!
Aggie Mom Ambassador Training Ambassador Training Presentation Aggie Mom Ambassadors
Archiving – You Pay for It, What is It? What Clubs Should Archive, Why Archiving is Important

AMU Archiving 2021

AMU Library Archives – Adelle Hedleston ’88

All Club Officers
Aspiring to Leadership! Find Your Inner Leader and True Colors Personality Test

AMU Aspiring to Leadership! Aggie Mom University 2021

All Moms interested in Stepping Up
Best Practices: Fundraising and Scholarships

AMU Best Practices Fundraising & Scholarships 2021

All Aggie Moms
Boutique Training 2023-2024 Licensing for Boutique and Fundraising

AMU Pre-Boutique Presentation

AMU Aggie Mom’s Boutique Workshop

Online and In Person Boutique Clubs Required
Club Development and Growth How to Start a Club or Increase Membership All Aggie Moms
Club Operations 3 Legged Stool, Conflict Resolution, Financials, Forms

AMU Club Operations 2021

All Aggie Moms
College Student Health Handbook Must Knows for Moms of College Students All Aggie Moms
Federation Forms (A, B, F, T) Filing forms correctly.

AMU Federation Forms (A, B, F, T) 2021

All Club Officers
Federation Forms (C, D, E, G, Y) Filing forms correctly.

AMU Federation Forms (C, D, E, G, Y) 2022

All Club Officers
How The Federation Serves You Federation Meetings, Training, Tax Status, Website, Social Media

AMU How The Federation Serves You

All Aggie Moms
How to Lead a President’s Planning Day Communicating your vision.

AMU How To Lead A President Planning Day

Legal Issues for Clubs How Clubs can avoid legal concerns. All Presidents and Officers
Meeting Plan in a Box Tips/Ideas for Great Meetings and Programs

AMU Meetings in a Box

Programs Chair or Meeting Planners
Parliamentarian Pearls Robert’s Rules Cheat Sheet – How to Run a Meeting and Ensure Bylaws are Up to Date COMING SOON Club Presidents, Parliamentarians, President Elects
President’s Workshop Presidents Workshop Fall 2023
Ring of Honor – Start One! Start your ROH, Once an Aggie Mom, Always an Aggie Mom

AMU Ring of Honor

AMU Generic Ring of Honor Membership Form

“Ring of Honor Pendant”

“Vendor Information”

All Aggie Moms
Social Media and Marketing Tools to Market, Maintain, and Maximize Your Club

AMU Marketing Class

All Club Officers
TAMU Marketing  Boutique Clubs Required
Tech Tools How to Use Emails,  Google Drive, Social Media, Websites, Aggie Mom App

AMU Tech Tools

All Club Officers
Best Practices and How to File your Annual Sales Tax Form All Club Treasurers 
Treasurer: Best Practices and Filing 990’s Completing Your IRS 990 Form

AMU Treasurer and 990 Class

All Club Treasurers 


Mission Statement
Develop and maintain a strategic training program for Aggie Mom Club officers and members that will promote knowledge of the Federation of TAMU Mothers’ Clubs, provide best practices for clubs, and develop future Aggie Mom leaders.

Provide online interactive training sessions for club members and leadership.
Provide trainer sessions for club leadership to train their own members.