Federation Board

In accordance with the Federation Bylaws, the Board consists of both elected and appointed Officers each serving a one year term.

The twelve officers elected and installed during the Spring Federation Business Meetings are: the Federation President, the President-Elect, the Vice President at Large (who is the Immediate Past Federation President), seven Vice Presidents, the Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.

The officers appointed by the incoming Federation President are: the Parliamentarian, the Corresponding Secretary, the Electronic Information Chair(s), the Parent Social Chair(s), Aggie Mom Camp Chair(s), the Hospitality Chair(s), the Historian and Development Chair.

All Officers serve a one year term from one Spring Federation Business Meeting to the next, with the exception of the Treasurer, whose term ends at the end of the Federation’s fiscal year, May 31st.


Diane Eckols   President

FederationPres@AggieNetwork.com  (713) 591-1709

District 6

Form A

Cathleen Inman ’88   Vice President at Large

VPresAtLarge@AggieNetwork.com  (830) 385-8811

District 21

Katie McMordie Latham ’80   President-Elect

PresElect@AggieNetwork.com  (214) 726-2733

District 12 

Form T

Johnna Lenamon   First Vice President Membership

 1stVPMembership@AggieNetwork.com  (713) 205-3029

District 6 


Melissa Martinez   Second Vice President Programs

2ndVPPrograms@AggieNetwork.com  (956) 207-0026

District 8  

Cindy DeWitt ’86   Third Vice President Registration

 3rdVPRegistration@AggieNetwork.com  (979) 777-3832

District 4  

Connie Fletcher Pritchard ‘81   Fourth Vice President Reports

4thVPReports@AggieNetwork.com  (281) 785-5209

District 18 

Form D Form-EForm-G

Alice Artman   Fifth Vice President Boutique

 5thVPBoutique@AggieNetwork.com  (979) 417-5232

District 6

Form F

Tamra Walker ’89   Sixth Vice President Districts

6thVPDistricts@AggieNetwork.com  (214) 850-4473

District 1 

Karen Hunter ’85   Seventh Vice President Directory

7thVPDirectory@AggieNetwork.com  (214) 357-6103

District 2 

Form C

Melissa Johnson   Recording Secretary

RecSec@AggieNetwork.com  (713) 898-9163

District 6

Mechelle Fisher   Treasurer

Treasurer@AggieNetwork.com  (830) 285-3932

District 6 

FORM Y  ;  Form B


Carol Gaas ’85   Corresponding Secretary

CorrSec@AggieNetwork.com  (832) 746-7739

District 6

Monica Isgren   Parliamentarian

Parl@AggieNetwork.com  (832) 221-4439

District 6

Suzan York ’86   Aggie Mom Camp Chair

AMCChair@AggieNetwork.com  (214) 236-6434

District 2


Maria Wheeler   Hospitality Co-Chair

Hospitality@AggieNetwork.com  (817) 988-1861

District 1

Sally Berlocher   Hospitality Co-Chair

 SBerlocher@gmail.com  (713) 305-6955

District 6

Sue Chelf   Hospitality Co-Chair

SueChelf@earthlink.net  (281) 450-9944

District 6


Daniela Knight ’87   Electronic information Chair

ElecInfo@AggieNetwork.com  (512) 751-2110

District 5

Denise Isenhour   Social Media Chair

FederationSocialMedia@AggieNetwork.com  (512) 750-4366

District 5

Colleen Holmes ’76   CStat Parent Socials Co-chair

ParentSocialsCS@AggieNetwork.com  (979) 575-5969

District 4

2020-21 Aggie Mom Interest Form


Julie Upton   Galveston Parent Socials Co-chair

ParentSocialsGalveston@AggieNetwork.com  (281) 881-1929

District 6

2020-21 Aggie Mom Interest Form

Kim Kovar   Historian

Historian@AggieNetwork.com  (979) 249-7407

District 4

Stephanie Collums ’87   Development Chair

DevelopmentChair@AggieNetwork.com  (817) 944-9004

District 18


© 2022 The Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs

P.O. Box 1443, College Station, Texas 77841

This site is provided by The AggieNetwork.com Hosting Program, through generous Century Club gifts.